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Frost is upon us - trim your flowers!

The joys of hot summer weather, busy bees and long days are over.

Prepare your garden for the winter now before it is too late.

Once the last sparkle of blush has left your lavender it is good to trim the flower stem back to avoid your lavender turning woody!

Make sure not to prune it too short and use clean shears or secateurs for the job.

If you prune your lavender well, it will bounce back with beautifully scented blooms next spring.

We prune our lavenders once or twice a year and make flower arrangements and dried lavender wardrobe sachets if your lavender has any dry or damaged parts it is good to trim them too. If you leave your pruning too late and do it too close to winter your lavender may die (it needs some foliage throughout the winter).

Grab your sheers way before frost comes!

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